Modern 9031 Geometric Cube Area Rug

$50.00 $100.00


Elevate your space with our Modern 9031 Geometric Cube Area Rug! The bold geometric patterns in shades of purple and gray add a modern touch to any room. Stain resistant and easy to clean, this 5x7 rug is perfect for high traffic areas. Its soft touch and pet-friendly material make it a favorite for kids and adults alike. Perfect for large spaces, bedrooms, playrooms, and living rooms.

  • If your rug has ripples, unroll it, then reverse roll it tightly so that the design faces outward for 1 to 2 days. Lay rug flat and face down for 2 to 3 days to allow waves or ripples to relax.
  • Vacuum with no beater bar and spot clean to remove stains.
  • Shed-resistant indoor rugs made in Turkey. Durable jute backing.
  • Colors and dimensions may vary.